Kızılcık Şerbeti

150 min
Drama, Familie
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 35

Episode 64

Difficult times await Fatih, who has difficulty fulfilling Doğa's conditions for reunion. Rüzgar's conversation with Abdullah leaves Nursema in a very difficult situation. Abdullah will never allow his daughter to work on the channel. Rüzgar realizes the mistake he made, but it is too late. Çimen starts working at the company as Kıvılcım's assistant. The fact that Kıvılcım and Çimen are in the company makes the ties between Abdullah and Ömer increasingly tense. It will end with a big surprise when Kıvılcım and Ömer invite the Ünal family to their home for dinner. The Ünals go to the ceremony together for an award that Nursema will receive. Pembe takes action to remarry her daughter, but all Her efforts are thwarted by Nursema. Nilay's involvement in the tension between Pembe and Görkem will take the conflict to a huge level.
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24 Mei 2024, 00:00
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Kızılcık Şerbeti