100 Things to Do Before High School

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25 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 15

Get the Most Out of a Sick Day Thing!

CJ, Fenwick, and Crispo are all sick; CJ and Fenwick are both home while Crispo wants to know what it's like to have a sick day, but his parents don't ever allow him to stay home, no matter how sick he is. Meanwhile, to keep his perfect attendance record, Fenwick has Crispo walk around with Fenwick on an iPad. Later, Fenwick gives Crispo the idea to get on a bike and go over to CJ's house to make the best of his sick day, but when Crispo gets over there, CJ's not there because she came back to school since she was feeling a lot better thanks to some disgusting green liquid medicine her parents forced her to take earlier.
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7 november 2015, 00:00
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100 Things to Do Before High School