Kohei Horikoshi (堀越 耕平, Horikoshi Kōhei) is a Japanese manga artist known for creating the shōnen manga series Ōmagadoki Dōbutsuen, Barrage and My Hero Academia, all of which are or were serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump. Horikoshi is a graduate of Nagoya University of Arts and a native of Aichi Prefecture. He was a former assistant for Yasuki Tanaka, creator and author of the manga series Hitomi no Catoblepas and Kagijin.
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Biografie Kouhei Horikoshi
Leeftijd: 37
Geboren: 20 november 1986 , Aichi, Japan
Kohei Horikoshi (堀越 耕平, Horikoshi Kōhei) is a Japanese manga artist known for creating the shōnen manga series Ōmagadoki Dōbutsuen, Barrage and My Hero Academia, all of which are or were serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump. Horikoshi is a graduate of Nagoya University of Arts and a native of Aichi Prefecture. He was a former assistant for Yasuki Tanaka, creator and author of the manga series Hitomi no Catoblepas and Kagijin.