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Finding Ola
Dalia Shawky

Dalia Shawky

Leeftijd: 30
Geboren: 13 januari 1994 , Cairo, Egypt
An Egyptian actress from a family with artistic affiliations, she is the daughter of the artist Manal Al Fatatri and the sister of the young artist Passant Shawky. She graduated from the American University, where she studied marketing and theater. She participated in several theatrical works, on the big stage at the American University. Among her works: Soulmate (2020), Like It Was Yesterday (2018) and The End (2020).
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Dalia Shawky

Biografie Dalia Shawky

Leeftijd: 30
Geboren: 13 januari 1994 , Cairo, Egypt
An Egyptian actress from a family with artistic affiliations, she is the daughter of the artist Manal Al Fatatri and the sister of the young artist Passant Shawky. She graduated from the American University, where she studied marketing and theater. She participated in several theatrical works, on the big stage at the American University. Among her works: Soulmate (2020), Like It Was Yesterday (2018) and The End (2020).


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