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Mahi Alam

Mahi Alam

Leeftijd: 21
Geboren: 20 februari 2003 , Tangail,Bangladesh
Mahi Alam (born February 20, 2003) is a Bengali-American actor and singer/songwriter. His most notable roles are, as Anuj in the Disney Plus series "American Born Chinese" and as Kevin G. in the 2024 film adaption of "Mean Girls" the musical.
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Mahi Alam

Biografie Mahi Alam

Leeftijd: 21
Geboren: 20 februari 2003 , Tangail,Bangladesh
Mahi Alam (born February 20, 2003) is a Bengali-American actor and singer/songwriter. His most notable roles are, as Anuj in the Disney Plus series "American Born Chinese" and as Kevin G. in the 2024 film adaption of "Mean Girls" the musical.
