American Pickers

7.7 / 10
45 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 18

Duck, Duck, Moose

Mike and Frank think they've hit the lottery with Dick's North Carolina warehouse. It's jam packed with quality stuff but his prices are through the roof. The bearded charmer steps in to save a deal on a rare kid's ride and Mike discovers unique brass-era car parts that could be worth a bundle. With an entire town he built himself, Charlie's "Mooseville" features folk-art, rock bottom prices, and a surprising hidden gem...a mineshaft that leads to an underground saloon. And in Beno's motorcycle workshop, the awesome racing stories are trumped by his meticulous collection of vintage Indian motorbikes and accessories.
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Uitgezonden op:
4 juni 2012, 20:00
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American Pickers