
7.3 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 25, Aflevering 58

Episode 2099 (Thu 18th July 1996)

Ned teases Dave about his date with Mandy. Linda and Biff have had an awkward first night together. He cuddles her. Eric is washing his car. Roy cheeks him. Butch is rough with Jan as he demands to know where all the meat has gone from the freezer and accuses Jan of stealing it. Ned tells him to go to the Emmerdale Show as the farmers will probably be giving beef away. Butch takes him seriously. Jan does not want to face people at the show. She insists on working on the stall instead. Sam is digging manure into Nellie's rose garden. Butch suggests to Zak that they steal a cow from the show. Sam decides that he could do that. Kim has decided not to involve her solicitor in her agreement with Frank. He cannot believe that she is really willing to sell her baby for one million pounds and rips into her.
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Uitgezonden op:
18 juli 1996, 19:00
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