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Seizoen 0, Aflevering 2

In the Case of Yuki Aihara

In the second volume of the .hack//Liminality series, Yuki Aihara was a school girl who one day went to a school theater and while watching a movie, the words "The World" suddenly appeared on the big screen and suddenly, the entire town of Yokohama was blacked out due to power shutting off. People are desparately trying to escape and Yuki tries to get out as well. Suddenly, a mysterious woman who claims that she happens to work at the school theater helps Yuki find the way out of the theater. Can Yuki escape from the black out crisis and join up with Junichiro Tokuoka to get the answers about "The World"?
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Uitgezonden op:
9 september 2002, 00:00
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