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Seizoen 0, Aflevering 7


Tsukasa makes her first return to The World for a festive party hosted by Helba. Later, Subaru dances the night away, and Aura looks down from above. DVD episode, forming an epilogue to .hack//SIGN, released as part of the .hack//Integration box.
Mitsuki Saiga(Tsukasa (voice)), Kaori Nazuka(Subaru (voice)), Atsuko Enomoto(A-20), Akiko Hiramatsu(BT (voice)), Isshin Chiba(Silver Knight), Kazuhiro Nakata(Bear (voice)), Hiroshi Yanaka(Sora), Megumi Toyoguchi(Mimiru (voice)), Shin-ichiro Miki(Crim (voice)), Nobuyuki Hiyama(Balmung of the Azure Sky (voice)), Yumi Tôma(Helba (voice)), Masumi Asano(BlackRose (voice)), Sayaka Aida(Kite (voice)), Minami Takayama(Mia (voice)), Yasunori Masutani(Orca (voice)), Tomomichi Nishimura(Lios (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
24 Oktober 2003, 00:00
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