Martin Mystery

5.4 / 10
20 min
Actie, Comedy, Animatie
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 5

You Do Voodoo

After an incident at the school library Martin claims Diana is a "goody two-shoes". So she drastically changes her image in order to prove that she can be a bad girl when she wants. At the Center Mom tells them that there was a bizarre attack on the mayor or Stillwater, Louisiana by an invisible force and sends them to investigate. After a few more weird events they discover that a corrupt politician is using Voodoo Dolls to eliminate his competition. He intends to win the mayoral race and end up in the mayor's office. An office that was built to conceal an evil Shaman's lair. Once he harnesses the power of an ancient artifact hidden below he will become an unstoppable voodoo priest!
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Uitgezonden op:
10 juli 2004, 15:30
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Martin Mystery