Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

8.3 / 10
25 min
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8.3 / 10
2seizoenen/52afleveringen/1995 - 2014 
NetwerkTV Asahi
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Looptijd:25 min19952014 (Beëindigd)
Netwerk:TV Asahi
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called "Sides." However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries builds five robotic weapons called Gundams and plans to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the hopes and dreams of freedom of the colonists with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing