Name That Tune

60 min
Musical, Spelprogramma
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 2

Bedazzled Boots & Frenemies

Charles, a marketing manager from Long Beach, CA faces off with Missy, a realtor from Lexington, KY. These two larger-than-life characters waste no time in giving entertaining performances in the first round, By Request. The big money ratchets up in round 2; Bid A Note where a mixture of strategy and music knowledge opens the door for one of these players to go for the $100,000 jackpot in the Golden Medley final round. In game two Rebecca a finance manager from Gilbert, AZ, and Amy, who works in marketing insights in Dallas, TX go head-to-head in the first round Spin Me Round. Every correct answer wins $1,000 and it's a close competition as the players go into Round 2; Bid A Note. The big money is looming as both players go all out to be the one to go through to the Golden Medley.
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Uitgezonden op:
10 juni 2024, 21:00
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Name That Tune