Packed to the Rafters

8.1 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 5

Lines of Communication

Ben finds himself in uncomfortable possession of a devastating secret which could blow his family apart, and with Dave's freelance career failing to take off, Julie makes a tough decision which tests the strength of their marriage. Julie is starting to feel the financial strain of the family's new living arrangements as Dave struggles to find work. Tempers flare when Dave buys a new van they can't afford without telling her. Eager to ease their money woes, Julie tells Dave a white lie she later regrets.
George Houvardas(Nick "Carbo" Karandonis ), Luke PeglerJustin Rosniak
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Uitgezonden op:
23 september 2008, 00:00
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Packed to the Rafters