Packed to the Rafters

8.1 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 11

Power Play

After turning up at the Rafter house and disappearing without so much as a word, Rachel 'Chel' Warne uses an electrical ruse to lure Dave to the shop where she is working. Although the meeting is awkward, Dave invites her to lunch the next day. The whole family is nervous about the encounter, but Chel soon charms them all - apart from Dave. Will the pain of his past prevent him from embracing a future with his mother? Jake and Rachel's worlds collide when Jake invites himself to her launch of 'Rampant', a men's body spray. Jake feels like a fish out of water at the launch, but when the sound system blows, who else can save the day but an electrician? However, Rachel and Jake's romantic night together at a hotel is interrupted by a phone call from Jake's overprotective mum Grace, trying to emotionally blackmail him into coming home early. Rachel has had enough and confronts Grace... which Jake witnesses. Whose side will Jake be forced to take? Narrated by: Rachel Rafter
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8 september 2009, 00:00
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Packed to the Rafters