Packed to the Rafters

8.1 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 2

Dodging the Issue

Dave and Julie’s relationship comes under strain as Dave struggles with a series of betrayals. Julie is convinced that Warney is ripping off Dave’s business. But Dave is positive his mate is doing no such thing. Warney is able to explain away any discrepancies – and Dave’s loyalty to him is strengthened when he discovers they shared similar childhoods – Warney was adopted too. Meanwhile, Nathan’s easy working relationship with his father is tested when they do a job for Tim Connelly, a real estate agent who Nathan once interviewed with. Nathan’s work ethic impresses Tim and he surprises Nathan by offering him a job. Dave knows he should be thrilled for his son but he can’t help feeling betrayed and abandoned. Ben and Melissa are tentatively dating, but the arrival of a handsome new doctor – Luke Hanson sets Ben on a destructively jealous path. Melissa’s furious reaction makes Ben determined to win her back by becoming what she wants – an athletic, successful man. But his plans are cut short when he suffers what seems to be a heart attack. Ben’s emergency plus Dave’s feelings of abandonment force Dave to face up to his childhood. Deserted by his parents and adopted out at a young age, Julie suggests to Dave it’s time he discovers the truth about his past. But is he ready to find out?
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7 juli 2009, 00:00
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Packed to the Rafters