Packed to the Rafters

8.1 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 9

Naked Visions

Ben’s troubles begin when he inadvertently stumbles on Rachel taking artistic pregnancy photos of a naked Julie. Given the mainly positive reactions to the photos, Julie decides to celebrate her changing body by putting an enormous copy of a nude photo smack bang in the middle of the lounge-room. Dave’s growing attachment to Ben and Melissa’s dog continues to puzzle those around him. Only Julie knows the truth: the dog has provoked the recollection of a traumatic incident in his past. So when the dog is badly injured in a car accident, Dave breaks down in front of Ben. However the dog proves not to be the only link to his past when Dave’s original birth certificate finally arrives – is Dave ready for the answers he’s been seeking? Rachel and Jake take their newfound relationship a step further when Jake shares a family dinner with the Rafters. Ted and Dave assume that Jake won’t be able to cope with the naked photo of Julie – but Jake scores himself major brownie points by admiring the artwork. Encouraged by his maturity, Rachel tells Jakes some home truths about her past – including her sex tape. Will it scare him off? Meanwhile, Ben’s relationship with Melissa is put to the test when a series of misunderstandings causes him to think she is cheating on him. Her anger and betrayal prompts Ben to take a good hard look at their relationship. The result? To propose marriage. But does Melissa want to marry Ben?
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25 augustus 2009, 00:00
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Packed to the Rafters