Packed to the Rafters

8.1 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 19

Leap of Faith

Ted resolves to take a leap of faith and seize life with both hands. But as his best-laid plans are put to waste, is his leap destined to become a stumble? Ben agrees to go to the movies with Emma, but asks Nathan and Coby to join them to relieve the pressure of the evening feeling like a date; however, Coby's terrible cinema etiquette and embarrassing antics causes Ben to eject the boys. Now all alone, will Ben and Emma finally succumb to their brewing feelings? Meanwhile, Dave is struggling to take his own leap of faith and accept his brother Matt.
Daniel Nemes(Instructor)
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Uitgezonden op:
28 februari 2012, 00:00
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Packed to the Rafters