Packed to the Rafters

8.1 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 5

The Taste of Freedom

Nathan examines what it means to be free as he receives potentially upsetting news - his divorce from Sammy is final. The Rafter family have all witnessed Nathan's heartbreak over the end of the marriage and there is reasonable concern that Nathan could suffer an emotional setback over this. However Nathan takes this potential hurdle and turns it into a springboard for a new and better tomorrow. He successfully packs up the remnants of his time with Sammy, cuts himself free from some family ties, and launches himself into a new business, a new attitude, a new future. Jake and Rachel have been skirting around each other for days, both of them unsure how to bridge the divide that's grown between them. Finally they reach out to each other and reaffirm their love, but secretly both of them are afraid love might not be enough. Coby is also grappling with the issue of freedom as the day of his sentencing hearing arrives. Having promised to vouch for Coby in court, Dave is initially casually confident that the kid will get a slap on the wrists and that will be the end of it. Julie unwittingly rocks Dave's confidence and he becomes genuinely worried that Coby could be locked up. Can Dave overcome his fear and make a real difference in Coby's life? .
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Uitgezonden op:
8 Maart 2011, 00:00
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Packed to the Rafters