Saturday Night Live

8,0 / 10
78 min
Comedy, Nieuws
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Seizoen 27, Aflevering 15

Ian McKellen/Kylie Minogue

Live From New York, It's... Darrell Hammond Sketches include ""Tom Ridge Terrorism Address,"" ""Kotex Classic,"" ""Donatella Versace's Oscar Party,"" ""NPR Delicious Dish,"" ""Great Moments In Oscar History II"" (cartoon), ""Hot Air Balloon Mystery Theater,"" ""The Ferey Muthar Talk Show,"" ""A&E's The Life and Times of Charles Dickens,"" and ""Kevin and Richie's Comic Book Zone."" Kylie Minogue performed ""Can't Get You Out of My Head"" (with Ian McKellen singing off to the side of the stage) and ""In Your Eyes.""
Chris ParnellIan McKellen(Self - Host), Kylie Minogue(Self - Musical Guest)
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Uitgezonden op:
16 Maart 2002, 00:00
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Saturday Night Live