Saturday Night Live

8,0 / 10
78 min
Comedy, Nieuws
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Seizoen 37, Aflevering 8

Steve Buscemi with The Black Keys

The Black Keys perform "Lonely Boy" and "Gold On The Ceiling." Skits include: Presidential Address, Frozen Mexican Dinner, The Miley Cyrus Show, The Dark Knight Sneaks Up on Gordon, The Mystery of the Chopped-Up Guy, Central Cougars, Playskool Surprise, Ed Vincent’s Sex Symposium, Happy Holidays From Sheila and Sheila.
Maya RudolphSteve Buscemi(Commissioner Gordon), Dan Auerbach(Self - Musical Guest), Patrick J. Carney(Self - Musical Guest)
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Uitgezonden op:
3 december 2011, 00:00
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Saturday Night Live