Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

7.1 / 10
25 min
Animatie, Kinder
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 8

The World Vs Scott Pilgrim

Scott, Ramona en hun vrienden staan voor de zwaarste beproeving tot nu toe in een allesverpletterende, epische strijd, die alles kan veranderen.
Stefan Johnson(Announcer's Voice (voice)), Caleb Yen(Additional Voices (voice)), Alan Lee(Additional Voices (voice)), Deneen Melody(Additional Voices (voice)), Dorah Fine(Additional Voices (voice)), Jackie Lastra(Additional Voices (voice)), Lily Lammers(Additional Voices (voice)), Kristina Pesic(Sandra (voice)), Ingrid Haas(Monique (voice)), Griffin Newman(Actor in the Movie (voice)), Courtney Lin(Demon Girls #1 & #3 (voice)), Angie Sarkisyan(Demon Girls #2 & #4 (voice)), Simon Pegg(Studio Security #1 (voice)), Nick Frost(Studio Security #2 (voice)), Stephen Root(The Nanomachines (voice)), Kirby Howell-Baptiste(Lucas's Agent (voice)), Kevin McDonald(The Director (voice)), Tony Oliver(First A.D. (voice)), Will Forte(Old Scott (voice)), Phillip Reich(Additional Voices (voice)), Chris Hackney(Additional Voices (voice)), Cory Doran(Person Next to Wallace (voice)), Andrew Jackson(Lobby Announcer's Voice (voice)), Kyle Wyatt(Guy Who Yells The Title (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
17 november 2023, 00:00
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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off