Tensei Shitara Dainana Ōji Datta no de, Kimamani Majutsu o Kiwamemasu

8,0 / 10
24 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 6

Sisters, Monsters, Spellbound Swords, and Brothers

With his new bearwolf, Shiro, in tow, Lloyd visits his sister, Alieze, in order to learn how to communicate with monsters. Afterward Lloyd is reunited with another brother, Dian, a blacksmith who is seeking to create the ultimate Spellbound Sword.
Yuji Kameyama(Majin (voice)), Miyuki Satou(Catalina (voice)), Wakana Maruoka(Ellis (voice)), Takeru Kikuchi(Zeegwood (voice)), Shinya Takahashi(Pooton (voice)), Katsuyuki Miura(Bill (voice))
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7 Mei 2024, 00:00
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Tensei Shitara Dainana Ōji Datta no de, Kimamani Majutsu o Kiwamemasu