The Chosen

9.3 / 10
55 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 4

Calm Before

Beginning with a funeral procession, time marches rapidly toward the final days of Jesus’ ministry. While the disciples seek status for themselves, a Roman ruler comes with a humble request.
Aalok Mehta(Barnaby), Damon Carney(Julius), Philip Shahbaz(Rabbi Akiva), Hannah Barefoot(Livia), Anne Beyer(Shula), Andrew Flagg(Blind Man), Nina Leon(Mary Salome), Hassan Johan Nazari-Robati(Kafni), Carson Minniear(Marius), Malachi GraysonReynolds Washam(Tribunus Militum)
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Uitgezonden op:
13 juni 2024, 00:00
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The Chosen